Friday, May 31, 2019
Baptism Essay -- essays research papers
BaptismThere ar nearly 21,000 different Christian denominations in the reality today. With such an enormous number of diverse groups, understanding the beliefs and practices of each and the differences that distinguish one from another can be quiet confusing. While many denominations are similar, observing the same rites and sacraments, others have little in common other than the fact that they all accept Jesus as the Lord of God. In todays raw world, when we think about religion and Christianity, it is almost impossible not to think about Christian Baptism and its members.Christian Baptism is that point at which one acclaims and affirms the true evangel of Christ (Clearman 12). The ministry of John the Baptist is the founder of Christian Baptism. To achieve the erasing of sin, he administered a baptism of pissing by doing it in the water of Jordan River by itself. Between many concourse that John had baptized he also baptized Jesus Christ. Jesus baptism inaugurated his public ministry, and he later gave his disciples the mission of baptizing in the name of Trinitarian faith. They continued to practice the baptism of water of the type administered by John. Jesus continued Johns movement, solely he also added new meaning to baptism. Now, baptism symbolized not only a change of heart but also the coming Holy Spirit which was to mark the messianic age (Hinnells 91). Baptism not long after this became very popular and people all everywhere the world were practiced baptizing. Today ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Active Intellect In Aristotle, :: essays research papers
All men by nature desire to know. An trace of this is the delight we take in our senses for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves and above every others the sense of sight. This is the foundation of hu existence association Aristotle presents us with in Book Alpha of the Metaphysics. The next question which we essential naturally ask ourselves is, How? How is it that we can have any friendship at all? We by our very nature desire to know and welove the senses in themselves but what is the relationship between the two and by what faculty are we equal to(p) to call anything knowledge once sense perception has occurred?Aristotle sets up as his faculty for knowledge both the active and the passive intellects. We begin to have knowledge through with(predicate) sense experience. We cannot know without sense experienceand it is from sense experience that all knowledge is therefore generated. Knowledge for Aristotle is a knowledge of universals, that is, a kn owledge of Essences. pattern is thus the faculty bywhich we come to comprehend universals. And since material objects are a composite unity of essence and existence, it naturally follows that we grasp the universal through our encounter with the particular. What follows is a series of events which leads to knowledge. The passive intellect receives the image from the sense data and it is stamped upon the passive intellect from the material impression. From this stamp the active intellect is to take to the woods out of it and somehow make a universal concept from this particular experience. But there is something more at work here. There is something in the genius ( more specifically in the soul) thatsomehow comprehends and makes universals intelligible. Various theories have been postulated concerning this but we shall concentrate on Aristotle and leave the other philosophies for now. What is at work in man is a divine reason immanent in mans soul. Somehow man is connected to and shares in divine reason. A distinction must be made here. We are not saying that the human souls capacity to grasp universals is in some way a shaping machine or shares in the pure act of God, but that without this divine reason at work in the souls of men no understanding of universals could take out at all. The mind works on the material given to it, that is its potential, and from this material it moves to actuality.
Conflict in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay -- Drama Shak
Conflict in William Shakespeares Romeo and JulietConflict meaning a state of opposition or a fight or struggle isused in all good dramas, old and new. It makes the drama interesting.Conflict is mostly used by dramatists and script writers to makeaudiences elicit in the drama, tense and wonder what will exceednext. The play Romeo and Juliet has to view as a conflict because itis one of the main themes in the play. The disagreements and fightbetween the dickens family, that is Capulet and he Montague, theirchildren Romeo and Juliet who truly were in love with from each one other endup dying. So, after this incident, the quarrels stop between the twofamilies. The whole play starts because of the reciprocal hostility andconflict between the Capulet and the Montague and ends with tragedy oftwo lovers. The abundant swordplay throughout the play affects thetheme of conflict used in ?Romeo and Juliet?. In this play, on that point arespontaneous actions of the characters rather than th eir thoughts.There are many types of conflicts to be appeared in this play such asfamily conflicts society conflicts and generation conflicts. When ladyCapulet wants Juliet to marry Paris but Juliet wants to marry Romeo,appears to be a conflict between them. There is also conflict in thetwo families and their general relationship with their children.A prologue is the beginning of a play, books or film that introduces.It gives a warning or indication of the events of the play. The ideaof conflict occurs in the prologue where it talks about the two housesof Verona have had a long- standing grudge which will lead to a newconflict, love and death of the lovers. It tells us about howviolently the two families fight with each other and ends up doing. Italso mentions that the next two hours of the play will be full ofconflicts. Many different kinds of language are used in the prologue.Some words that are used in the prologue to express the idea ofconflict are ?fight? ?unfortunate death?, ?star-cross lovers? ?fatedlove? etcetera the words that are used in the play makes the audiencesfeel as if they are also part of the play and feel involved in it. haggling like ?star crossed lovers? and ?fated love? are used and theaudience know what is going to happen. They feel really tensed to whatwill happen next to the ancient grudge when two unlucky childre... 5, the conflict that occurs is mainly within the familywhere it consists of a parent-child conflict. It is different fromact1 scene 1 because the conflict used there were to do with the twodifferent families where in this act, the conflict is to do within thetwo houses and is private. There is a different kind of violence usedin this act where there is no blood or swords. Instead words are used.In this scene, lady Capulet tells Juliet of her meaning with Paris,Juliet?s replies to her mother are make full with double meaning. Forexample she says.? Madam, I am not well.? By this, lady Capuletbelieves that this is because of grieving over her cousin, Tybalt.However in Juliet?s sense, she is trying to say that she conscionable partedfrom her husband and her heart is full of sorrow. So there are doublemeanings in what Juliet says.So when Juliet hears of her weeding with Paris, she defies her motherand refuses to co-operate. So lady Capulet is furious and threatensher admit daughter that if she doesn?t marry Paris then she has to leavethe house. Not even her nurse is on her side. She feels shattered butcontinues to speak when her father, Lord Capulet arrives.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay on Camusââ¬â¢ The Stranger (The Outsider): Meursault as Metaphysical
Meursault as Metaphysical Rebel in The Stranger (The Outsider) The Stranger by Albert Camus was published in 1942. The setting of the novel is Algiers where Camus exhausted his youth in poverty. In many ways the main character, Meursault, is a typical Algerian youth. Like them, and like Camus himself, Meursault was in love with the sun and the sea. His flavor is devoted to appreciating physical sensations. He seems so devoid of emotion. Something in Meursaults character has appealed primarily to readers since the books publication. Is he an absurd anti-hero? Is he a moral monster? Is he a rebel against a conventional morality? Critics and readers alike have disputed a variety of approaches to Meursault. I believe he is the embryo of Camus metaphysical rebel as articulated in the philosophical essay, The Rebel. He is the man who says by his actions, I will go this far, but no farther.In show to understand Meursaults rebellion we must first understand the nature of his personality as portrayed by Camus. The novel begins with the laconic assertion Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday I cant be sure. His mothers death briefly interrupts the pleasant flow of Meursaults life, a life devoted to appreciating sensation. He loves the feel of a crisp towel in the washroom. He enjoys eating, drinking, and smoking cigarettes. He loves to watch the sea and the sky. Swimming and making love to pretty girls like Marie are his favorite pastimes, so much so that an offer of a job promotion in Paris does not in the least appeal to him. When something bores him or distresses him he simply goes to sleep, as he does on the bus to his mothers funeral and even in jail. He is a detached observer of life. Symbolic of this quality... ... noble act. Even we might be able to do that. BIBLIOGRAPHYBree, Germaine. Camus. New York Harcourt Brace, 1964.Camus, Albert. The Rebel. New York Vintage Books, 1954Champigny, Robert. A Pagan Hero. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969.Cruickshank, John. Albert Camus and the Literature of Revolt. New York Oxford University Press, 1960.King. Adele. Camus. New York Capricorn Books, 1971.Lottman, Herbert R. Albert Camus A Biography. New York George Braziller Inc. 1980.Masters, Brian. Camus A Study. London Heinemann, 1974.McCarthy, Patrick. Camus A Critical Study of his Life and Works. London Hamish Hamilton, 1982.OBrien, Conor Cruise. Albert Camus of Europe and Asia. New York Viking Press, 1970.Quillot, Roger. The Sea and Prisons. University of Alabama University of Alabama Press, 1970
Comparing George Orwellââ¬â¢s 1984 and Our World Today Essay -- airstrip on
George Orwells dystopian novel, 1984, set in Airstrip One, in the first place named Great Britain, is a fictional story that describes a time where England is overruled by English Socialism. The storys point of view is through the main character, Winston Smith, who is an searching member of the middle class. The audience is walked through the later stages of his life, where his intellectual thought is most prominent. Throughout the book, Winston goes through everyday life, as well as visits umpteen places that are described in great detail. Every place he goes has varying marrows on him and other individuals surrounding him. The place that has them most effect on Winston is his home in the Victory Mansions, which ironically, are just apartments. This particular space affects how he walks, talks, and even thinks. Fortunately, in comparison to our world today, we dont have to be as precautious about our every move. In Winstons home, there is a telescreen, which is actually in every residents home. This tress is embedded with a surveillance camera that watches every move made, and can hear every sound made. This is how Big Brother (BB) is always watching, and if someone does something that BB doesnt approve of, they have the ability to arrest and completely erase their existence. Winston has to be careful in his own home and cant make every sudden movements that may attract negative attention. Therefore Winston is very delicate in his movements just so he can negate any trouble. In a particular scene, all the citizens had to participate in morning exercises, while the instructor watched from the screen. All of a sudden, Smith 6079 Smith W Yes, you Bend inflict please You can do better than that. Youre not trying. Lowe... ...hough we have the freedom of speech, we should still be wary of how we say or write things to avoid any unnecessary trouble. In conclusion, Winstons home made him a very cautious and careful person, who felt the need to sneak t o do anything. This is a very scary feeling to have in ones own home, because a home is normally where someone has the right to relax, sit back, and racket their freedom. In Winstons situation, it is the complete opposite fact he is nervous, peace less, and has feelings of entrapment, except for the little area that provides him with some form of liberation. Luckily this isnt the circumstance for our society and hopefully it will never be the circumstance. We gratefully have been granted amendments that give us many rights to live and thrive freely amongst the world. works Citedhttp//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Small Pox Journal :: Journals Diary Small Pox Essays
Small Pox JournalApril 22, 2005--I had a long week so I decided I should write about it on my weather vane journal. After having several papers, quizzes, and having to work 40 hours I piss been legal opinion a little under the weather. However, I mostly assume it has been from the lack of cessation I have been getting. But no worries, since I intend on making it up during the weekend. But tonight I have decided to caller it up and go to my friends apartment. Till then Ill clean take some aspirin and lay down till I go out. Im positive(predicate) I will be fine by then. April 23, 2005--Well to recap last night events, I woke up from my nap the aspirin appeared to have not worked. I was nip really achy but I did not let that impede my wanting to party. I asked my mom to feel my forehead, to see if I was hot, and she confirmed it. So I decided to take my temperature, 102 degrees, not good. But I still went to the party, being stubborn. I ended up drinking too much, to try and lighten the achy feeling, and it did not sit well. I ended up having to throw up in the bushes. People were laughing at me, telling me I could not handle my liquor. Ha-ha, it was funny though. April 24, 2005--However, when I did wake up I noticed some kind of bumps forming in my mouth. This is really strange since I never have had bumps like these in my mouth. Oh well, I am sure they will go away in a few days. I am not feeling well at all. I dont think it was just the long week that was affecting my health, but I might be genuinely sick, maybe just a fever or the flu? My girlfriend told me she has been going through the same thing. I dont think this is a good sign. However, being a emblematic guy I will wait it out and see what develops. April 25, 2005--Still feeling unwell and apparently the bumps in my mouth seem to be breaking, which Im not sure if that is a good thing or not. There were several of them and only but a few have yet to burst.
Small Pox Journal :: Journals Diary Small Pox Essays
Small Pox JournalApril 22, 2005--I had a long week so I decided I should write about it on my weather vane journal. After having several papers, quizzes, and having to work 40 hours I squander been smell a little under the weather. However, I mostly assume it has been from the lack of catnap I have been getting. But no worries, since I intend on making it up during the weekend. But tonight I have decided to companionship it up and go to my friends apartment. Till then Ill rightful(prenominal) take some aspirin and lay down till I go out. Im veritable I will be fine by then. April 23, 2005--Well to recap last night events, I woke up from my nap the aspirin appeared to have non worked. I was tonicity really achy but I did not let that impede my wanting to party. I asked my mom to feel my forehead, to see if I was hot, and she confirmed it. So I decided to take my temperature, 102 degrees, not good. But I still went to the party, being stubborn. I ended up drinking to o much, to try and quietus the achy feeling, and it did not sit well. I ended up having to throw up in the bushes. People were laughing at me, telling me I could not handle my liquor. Ha-ha, it was funny though. April 24, 2005--However, when I did wake up I noticed some kind of bumps forming in my mouth. This is really strange since I never have had bumps like these in my mouth. Oh well, I am sure they will go away in a few days. I am not feeling well at all. I dont think it was just the long week that was affecting my health, but I might be genuinely sick, maybe just a fever or the flu? My girlfriend told me she has been going through the same thing. I dont think this is a good sign. However, being a representative guy I will wait it out and see what develops. April 25, 2005--Still feeling unwell and apparently the bumps in my mouth seem to be breaking, which Im not sure if that is a good thing or not. There were several of them and only but a few have yet to burst.
Monday, May 27, 2019
To His Coy Mistress Compared to Other Love Poetry
To His overmodest Mistress by Andrew Marvell is a love song from the period of the renaissance. The verse appears in rhyming couplets which is different than the typical love poems, maken in sonnet form that we are personad to from that time. The rhyming couplets are our first clue that this poem is non your typical love poem. Through his approach of theme, tone, and his economic consumption of language, Marvell criticizes the love poetry tradition as it existed in his time in order to reason that we must seize the moment and see the reality of time and love.Marvell contradicts the traditional love poetry theme love is arrant(a) and stable, by using a theme of carpe diem. Carpe diem means to seize the moment and stretch out for the day. Marvell does not believe in waiting for love to blossom or believing that love allow last forever as we see in Shakespeares sonnet 18, Nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his shade/ When in eternal lines to time though growest /So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,/ so long lives this and this gives life to thee. Meaning, nor forget death claim you for his own because in my poem you will last forever, and if there be people on this earth, then my poem will live on, making you immortal. The readers see the opposite of this in Marvells poem as he believes that when you die Thy beauty shall no to a greater extent be found By this he means that once his mistress dies her beauty will no longer be recognized so she must use her beauty to her advantage now.Unlike Shakespeare, Marvell does not view love as passionate, beautiful or emotional. Rather, his carpe diem theme suggests that love does not last forever, and beauty will fade. He continues to try to convince the reader that you must live for the day Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound/ My echoing song then worms shall try/ That long preservd virginity,/ And your quaint honour turn to dust,/ And into ashes all my lust. The graves a fine and private place, /Bu t none I think do there embrace Through the use of this quote Marvell claims that saving yourself for everlasting love is a waste of time because when you die you will not be loved eternally, rather you will be eaten by worms and your youth will be wasted. Marvells tone of urgency, morbidity, and negative attitude towards love contrasts the typical love poetry tone of delicacy, intimacy, and patience. Marvell feels that there is no such thing as eternal love. Perhaps you may think he does not believe in love at all.We first see his sarcasm towards love when he claims to give a hundred years to praise his mistress eyes, two hundred to adore each breast, and thirty grand to the rest of her body in which we believe to be the waist down. However, we greatly see Marvells sense of urgency when he says But at my backside I always hear/ Times winged chariot hurrying near /And yonder all before us lie/ desolate of vast eternity. By this he means that behind him time is catching up fast, but in front of him are deserts of vast eternity, and emptiness.He sees a tragedy in living for the afterlife and believes its a waste of youth. He continues the metaphor of the desert in the third stanza by talking near birds of prey who devour and hunt time. Normally, in traditional love poems, a poet believes that love can be eternal as we see in Spensers sonnet 75 Not so (quoth I), let baser things devise /To die in dust, but you shall live by fame /My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, /And in the sphere write your glorious name. Where whenas Death shall all the world subdue, /Our love shall live, and later life renew. In this sonnet, addressed to his wife, Spenser claims to give her immortality in his verse, similar to Shakespeares sonnet 18. Marvells use of language, including figurative and non-figurative, and his choice of words, fail to evoke the passion and sweetness found in the love poetry of his time. Most love poems rest of soft and beautiful words to create a loving and emotional theme and tone.However, Marvell uses words such as vegetable, worms, birds of prey, devour, ashes, and dust, create images that do not evoke pleasant feelings. For example, when Marvell says My vegetable love should grow/ Vaster than empires, and more slow by using this hyperbole metaphor, he identifies the scale of his love for women for a vegetable to grow as vast as an empire would take longer than humans have to live.Also, the use of the word but in the arising of the second stanza suggests they dont have enough time to wait for love to blossom. The image you see when he says the worms shall try/ That long preservd virginiti creates mockery because his mistress has spent her life trying to preserve herself, meanwhile he claims that worms will take over her body. In Shakespeares sonnet 18 he uses words that are passionate, beautiful, emotional, and most of all, create feelings and images of love. Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou are more lovely and more temperate /Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, /And summers lease hath all too short a season /Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmd /And every fair from fair sometime declines, /By pretend or natures changing course untrimmed /But thy eternal summer shall not fade We see through the words use in this quote, such as summers day, buds of May, and the eye of heaven, Shakespeare succeeds to enhance the theme of love and beauty while Marvells use of words is not typical of the traditional love poem and create more of a morbid feeling.In conclusion, Marvells use of theme, tone, and language, highly criticized the traditional love poetry of his time. In the opening of the poem Marvells use of his carpe diem theme creates an immediate break in the normal love poetry by starting the poem with a problem time and space limitation. As the poem continues we sense a feeling and tone of urgency which entwines with the theme of carp e diem. The register of the poem, through hyperbole and metaphor, shows how To His Coy Mistress is predominantly about time rather than lust, love, or seduction.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Feelings Of Sadness Essay
This question is about feelings of sadness. Look at the Burial of St fundament Moore choose one more where there argon feelings of sadness. With close reference to the personal manner the poems are written compare and contrast how each speaker conveys his or her feelings of sadness. Show which poem has the more powerful appeal to you emotions.The two poems I am going to use are The Burial of Sir ass Moore at Corunna by Charles Wolfe and memory by Emily Bront. The poem, The Burial of Sir John Moore is a soldiers-eye-view of what initially appears to be the hurried and rather undignified burial at night of Sir John Moore in an unmarked grave and immediately prior to the retreat of his surviving forces by sea. The clear sadness in this poem is of a death, just what Remembrance deals with. Although Bront is writing about a death of a lover her use of first person narration, presents the reader with a rattling powerful description of the emotions ring the loss.In the poem, The Buria l of Sir John Moore, the funeral they have for the major still respected even though its in silence and nonhing of what a art object of his standards or any soldier should be having. The funeral differs a lot from what a funeral would be if the body was brought back home properly. Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note If that was back home, there would be the complete opposite from that line, all the soldiers would drum and there would be tunes. Not a soldier execute his farewell shot But on the battlefield they couldnt make any noise what so ever, therefore the funeral was done in silence. The whole way through the poem you still see how much respect the soldiers have for Sir John Moore, even after hes dead. They still look up to him as the hero that he is.In the poem The Remembrance, Bronte is talking about her partner that has passed away. Her use of first person narration presents the reader of very powerful descriptions about her love and emotions. The month of December i s a very cold and miserable season at times. Cold in the earth and 15 unquiet Decembers So imagining fifteen of them is what life is like for her without her lover. She is never going to find no one like him, No later light has lightened up my heaven No second morn has ever shone for me.The form of, The Burial of Sir John Moore, is Eight four-line stanzas. The tone is mainly sadness at the loss of a war hero. The reader also senses the loneliness and fear of the soldiers and their guilty haste and nervousness in burying their hero without any form of ceremony. It has a unbroken rhyme scheme. It creates a sombre and solemn beat which might remind the reader of a military funeral march. The language is simple throughout the whole poem. The resourcefulness creates a sense of their loneliness and fear and also of their pride and courage.The form of Remembrance is a lyric poem or lament written in eight four line verses. The tone at first questioning, doubting, then certain and pas sionately resolved. The mood is one of despair and grief. It is a regular rhyming scheme. It has the regular beat of a hymn, with the emphasis tending to fall at the beginning and half way through each line. There is also a lot of repetition cold, severed, forget, hopes, my lifes bliss to emphasise the effect the death has on the speaker. The bird metaphor in stanza two reflects the flightiness, and inconstancy of human being thought.The change of tense in the second half of the poem heralds a change of thought and tone and answers the query raised. She does remember, only too well. Fifteen wild Decembers have not succeeded in dulling the rapturous pain of memory. The hard, unfeeling words of the first half, expressing the coldness of grief such as cold, wrong, sever, hover, suffering, wild obscure sink way in the second half to softer words, hymn-like words (not surprising considering her Methodist background) such as bliss, golden, joy, cherished, yearning, burning rapturous, anguish. These words inject the poem with a passion, which reflects the sagacity of her emotions when she allows herself the luxury of remembrance.Out of both poems I think The Burial of Sir John Moore would come across as the saddest, even though it shows fewer emotions than Remembrance. However, the poem isnt a depressing one to read, it has a kind of excitement to it, to find out what is going to happen. But the actual story line to both poems are very sad, which is clear as they both are about death.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Love Poem Essay
Linda Pastan is an American poet of Jewish background. She was born in New York on May 27, 1932. Today, she lives in Potomac, Maryland with her husband Ira Pastan, an accomplished physician and researcher. She is known for writing short poems that address topics like family life, domesticity, generatehood, the female experience, aging, conclusion, loss and the disquietude of loss, as well as the fragility of life and kindreds. Love poem is a very childly poem yet it has a deep property if you read analytic t let on ensembley. In fact she didnt get straight to the point that she was primarily addressing which is the love poem.Pastan goes on to describe the form of the poem quite an than going on to talk about the love itself that she wanted to write about. At the first reading, you think that she is describing the creek however, she is in a way describing their relationship and their love. In line 6 and 7 its dangerous lingos refer to the stream of life that is taking everythi ng on its way, yet they be standing on the bank of that stream holding and grabbing each other keeping the two of them close and not letting anyone of them go.She says that in breach of standing considerably far from all these events in life that readiness draw them ap art from each other, yet they must hold tight to each other in order not to be drifted into the strong stream of life and forget about their love. As our creek after thaw is a simile, she is comparing the defrosting creek to their lives. She is saying that problems, turbulences and doubts antecedent the life between lovers to freeze. carry with it very scruple extended metaphor where she compares the problems and arguments to twigs, dry leaves, and branches.Swollen is a simile she compares the over-stressed relation to something physically engorged. get our office soaked is a metaphor comparing getting absorbed into the disputes and arguments, to being soaked with water supply. To A Daughter Leaving Home This is a fairly simple poem about a mother whose daughter was learning how to first ride a bike. It tells of the mothers fright as the bicycle gains fixity and hurries away from her. She is worrisome of her daughter possibly falling and hurting herself. Though, when relating the title to the poem, one can easily see that it is all a metaphor for when a daughter finally packs up and leaves home.The speed of the bike corresponds to the speed of which children seem to flee from the home and how far away they can seem. The mothers fretting reflects the anxiety of what might happen to the newly departed daughter. Will she be okay? Does she have enough money for food? Will a two-year-old boy break her precious heart? But in the poem the daughter does not fall. In life, the child generally does not meet the pommel of his or her parents fears. Some hard times come and will everlastingly come, but they will always come out finely in the end. The goodbye at the end makes us think of accept ance.The mother accepts that her daughter can continue on her own. Thud is the symbol of the daughters dependence on her mother, but she doesnt need it any more. The tone in handkerchief waving goodbye is a very sad one, leaving the mother behind. There is a simile in like a handkerchief she compares the daughters hair to a handkerchief of somebody waving goodbye. The unharmed poem is allegorical, the poetess is not just telling the story of the daughter riding the bicycle for the first time she is in fact giving the reader a simplified image of what a mother feels about the independence of her daughter.She is also emphasizing the refusal of the mother to let go of her child at least at the beginning of the daughters call for independence. doll of shallot * The first four stanzas describe a prehistoricaloral setting. The Lady of Shalott lives in an island castle in a river which flows to Camelot, but little is known about her by the local farmers. And by the moon the reaper wear y, Piling sheaves in uplands airy, Listening, whispers, Tis the fairy The Lady of Shalott. * Stanzas 5 through eight describe the ladys life.She has been execrated, and so must constantly weave a magic electronic network without looking directly out at the globe. Instead, she looks into a mirror which reflects the busy road and the raft of Camelot which pass by her island. She knows not what the curse may be, And so she weaveth steadily, And little other alimony hath she, The Lady of Shalott. * Stanzas nine through twelve describe bold Sir Lancelot as he rides past, and is seen by the lady. All in the blue unclouded endure Thick-jewelld shone the saddle-leather, The helmet and the helmet-feather Burnd like one burning flame together, As he rode down to Camelot.* The remaining seven stanzas describe the effect of seeing Lancelot on the lady she stops weaving and looks out her window toward Camelot, bringing about the curse. Out flew the web and floated wide- The mirror crack d from side to side The curse is come upon me, cried The Lady of Shalott. * She leaves her tower, finds a boat upon which she writes her name, and floats down the river to Camelot. She dies before arriving at the palace, and among the knights and ladies who see her is Lancelot. Who is this? And what is here? And in the lighted palace near Died the sound of magnificent cheerAnd they crossed themselves for fear, All the Knights at Camelot But Lancelot mused a little space He said, She has a endearing face God in his benignity lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott. Form The poem is divided into four numbered parts with discrete. The first two parts contain four stanzas each, while the last two parts contain five. Each of the four parts ends at the moment when description yields to directly quoted speech this speech first takes the form of the reapers whispering identification, then of the Ladys half-sick lament, then of the Ladys declaration of her doom, and finally, of Lancelots bl essing.Each stanza contains nine lines with the rhyme scheme AAAABCCCB. The B always stands for Camelot in the fifth line and for Shalott in the ninth. The A and C lines are always in tetrameter, while the B lines are in trimeter. In addition, the doom structure is line-bound most phrases do not extend past the length of a single line. Commentary Much of the poems charm comes from its maven of mystery and ambiguity of course, these aspects also complicate the task of analysis.That said, most scholars understand The Lady of Shalott to be about the conflict between art and life. The Lady, who weaves her magic web and sings her song in a remote tower, can be seen to represent the thoughtful artist isolated from the movement and activity of daily life. The moment she sets her art aside to gaze down on the real earth, a curse befalls her and she meets her tragic death. The poem thus captures the conflict between an artists swear for social involvement and his/her doubts about whether such a commitment is viable for someone dedicated to art.The poem may also express a more personal dilemma for Tennyson as a specific artist while he felt an obligation to seek subject matter outside the world of his own mind and his own immediate experiencesto comment on politics, history, or a more general humanityhe also feared that this expansion into broader territories might destroy his poetrys magic. authority I and Part IV of this poem deal with the Lady of Shalott as she appears to the outside world, whereas Part II and Part III describe the world from the Ladys perspective.In Part I, Tennyson portrays the Lady as secluded from the rest of the world by both water and the height of her tower. We are not told how she spends her time or what she thinks about thus we, too, like everyone in the poem, are denied access to the interiority of her world. Interestingly, the only people who know that she exists are those whose occupations are most diametrically opposite her own the reapers who toil in physical labor rather than by sitting and crafting works of beauty.Part II describes the Ladys experience of imprisonment from her own perspective. We learn that her alienation results from a mysterious curse she is not allowed to look out on Camelot, so all her knowledge of the world must come from the reflections and shadows in her mirror. Tennyson notes that often she sees a funeral or a wedding, a disjunction that suggests the interchangeability, and hence the conflation, of love and death for the Lady indeed, when she later falls in love with Lancelot, she will simultaneously bring upon her own death.Whereas Part II makes reference to all the different types of people that the Lady sees through her mirror, including the knights who come riding two and two (line 61), Part III focuses on one particular knight who captures the Ladys forethought Sir Lancelot. This dazzling knight is the hero of the King Arthur stories, famous for his illicit affair with the bea utiful Queen Guinevere. He is described in an array of colors he is a red-cross knight his shield sparkled on the yellow field he wears a silver bugle he passes through blue unclouded weather and the purple night, and he has coal-black curls. He is also adorned in a gemmy bridle and other bejeweled garments, which sparkle in the light. Yet in spite of the rich visual details that Tennyson provides, it is the sound and not the sight of Lancelot that causes the Lady of Shalott to transgress her set boundaries only when she hears him sing Tirra lirra does she leave her web and seal her doom. The intensification of the Ladys experiences in this part of the poem is marked by the shift from the static, descriptive present tense of Parts I and II to the dynamic, active past of Parts III and IV.In Part IV, all the lush color of the previous section gives way to pale yellow and darkened eyes, and the brilliance of the fair weather is replaced by a low sky raining. The moment the Lady sets her art aside to look upon Lancelot, she is seized with death. The end of her artistic isolation thus leads to the end of creativeness Out flew her web and floated wide (line 114). She also loses her mirror, which had been her only access to the outside world The mirror cracked from side to side (line 115).Her turn to the outside world thus leaves her bereft both of her art object and of the instrument of her craftand of her very life. Yet perhaps the greatest curse of all is that although she surrenders herself to the sight of Lancelot, she dies wholly unappreciated by him. The poem ends with the tragic triviality of Lancelots response to her tremendous passion all he has to say about her is that she has a lovely face (line 169). Having abandoned her artistry, the Lady of Shalott becomes herself an art object no longer can she offer her creativity, but merely a dead-pale beauty (line 157). Prophyrias lover.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Management and Leadership
For this report I wholeow describe how legal Communication is key at heart instruction. Effective confabulation surrounded by a bus and group is most-valuable as a identify outrs ponder is 90% intercourse. Effective communication is really valuable in spite of appearance a squad as it plays a part in the both twenty-four hours running of a orbit impelling communication bene detailors to establish be prevail inquireations for employees and with p atomic number 18nts.Effective communication also gives faculty divisions clear expectations which forget convey how their performance depart impact the aspect, for physical exercise when a music director is briefing a squad they gather up to be prep ard, be clear, they should moderate it ingenuous and be vivid and natural. Effective communication helps parcel outrs var. stiff races inside the group and p bents. Effective brassal communication skills will help with squad effect and the mightiness for the employees at all directs to diddle to abbreviateher to bring home the bacon goals within the setting and also to help to achieve company goals, Effective communication is innate to the success of any organization.T present be various skills unavoidable for directheadedish management, some skills are learned others are in in timeed as part of thats persons nature employees suffice much enthusiastically to a loss loss leader they regain out confident in. On a more elementary level an effective motorcoach in an untimely eld setting haves to find expose just lines of communication are adequate to(p) amongst themselves and the ingredients of their group up, is adequate to(p) of creating an atmosp present that is homy, i. e. a family atmosphere take a shits trust in the squad, maintains confidentiality, represent the views of the group, find out what displaces the squad and be substantiative. An effective carriage in an ahead of time old age sett ing also needs to be go upable, select provide so they can arrive at joint decisions in the welfare of the children in their care, attribute parturiencys to staff and allow them to decide how to achieve them which in turn will give the team up members a feeling of empowerment, enabling them to set their own objectives and achieve them.Team fetch within any setting is paramount within in my own setting I find that communication is key , myself and the managing director will confuse full and discuss the team on a perfunctory basis as each member of staff are at divers(prenominal) growing stages within the setting. As a lieutenant manager my ability to manage the team to achieve organisational goals and objectives is analysed by creation reflective as a manager as well as macrocosm supportive of the individuals, I consider myself to be a positive share model in encouraging the individuals of my team to slip by their professional evelopment in a bid to keep them motivate d and keep their knowledge up to date. As I myself continually embark on push education this in turn gives my team the incentive to do so themselves. E actuallyone in my setting is attempt some form of professional evolution for typesetters case level 2s are culture towards level 3 and level 3s towards a degree. As stated by June Sullivan (2003) it is central for a gutter to develop a trust relationship with all members of the team.Successful teams will thrive on coarse trust, so it is vital to establish this proto(prenominal) on by delegation, open conduct and communication and a free exchange of ideas page 11 Developing individuals as well as the team is an distinguished fact to consider as the setting achieves effectiveness with the individuals that are part of a team where the setting is assured of the individuals antithetical learning styles and personalities.The team is empowered to effectively manage quality in our setting to have the childrens and their family needs which is ultimately the settings goals and objectives. This is done through and through vainglorious the team responsibility for certain aspects of the day to day running of the setting for example each member of the team has a specific area within the setting which they own and develop and each team member is a key person for a number of individual children which gives them the opportunity to develop relationships with children and their families children to meet their needs.Teamwork is also ingrained within in the setting as we have children that have different level of needs these needs range from speech and language, dietary requirements and we also meet with external agencies to help families that need extra support. Finding out what motivates the team is a useful tool to acquire a manger needs to beware of what makes individual staff members tick.The opportunities for on-going provision of themselves and staff is also a motivator if the team members see the manager em barking on professional development this in turn will encourage and enthuse the individuals to embark on future professional development for themselves. A great manager and leader willin still their own values within the team and stash away new flowrs to these values, however a manager should be open to new and innovated ideas that a new team member could bring into the setting.Everyone should be encouraged to participate in contributing their ideas, values and opinions within staff meetings and internal discussions to ensure the element of management power is removed, which in turn will make parents feel comfortable about their childrens welfare as good lines of communication will open from all angles.The dissimilitude between a leader and a manager is defined in the liveing text managers do things castigate whilst leaders do the right thing there is a fine line between the cordial of approach that is necessary in an primaeval years environment and in my opinion, leadershi p is the approach we need to adopt as managers in an early years setting as managers require the co-operation of their team members. lead involves getting the best out of mint and storage everyone has something to offer, strong leaders should be in a position of inspiring people, building assertion and sustenance colleagues to achieve their full potential. passenger vehicles should also be aware thats individuals have different learning styles cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner (1985) identified seven styles of learning which apply to adults as well as children, the main ways in which we learn as individuals are visually, kinesthetically and through auditory signifys. leadership in an a early years setting requires the manager to have personal qualities such as being kind, warm and friendly, patient, sympathetic and nurturing, knowledgeable, discursive and assertive and be prepared to become a mentor who guides the staff. There is clear evidence of the relationship betwe en how staff are managed and how they perform, the deeper the commitment of the staff to their organisations, the discover their performance will be, it is inbred that a manger leads by example. The manager must be able to build and lead the team and bonk with the day to day management issues.The manager must also act as the public aspect of the nursery (Jameson and Watson, 1988) Team development requires both strong leadership from the manager and commitment from team members a good team is made up from individuals who are valued, managers need to analyse how they can involve their teams in the process and look and find ways to motivate them, as a manger you need to be open to ideas but should also look at the strengths and weakness off individual team members and what full treatment best for them as each member has different strengths and weakness and as a manger you should work on this with them and get the team involved in helping each other develop by offering support and guidance as it helps to build effective teams.Also a good relationship with your team will ensure that they form good relationships with the children and their parents and are enthusiastic about new challenges, have confidence to make remediatements to the practice when needed. The team is developed with in house knowledge, staff meetings, appraisals to name a a few(prenominal) examples, however in my opinion emotional recognition and communication is key to achieving these goals, by focussing on the needs of the team and giving direction which supports and challenges, we will be developing a culture of openness, mutual respect and honesty within the team workings(a) towards achieving the goals and objectives of the setting.Teams are encouraged in staff meetings to be reflective and build on their reflections, by being reflective they can observe how they could handle situations more effectively to promote even more effective practice and feel empowered as a team because they are making their own decisions on base each other as well as individually. Developing teams is key to achieving tasks in the workplace and an essential skill for a manager to give as a manager I endeavour to ensure I have a clear pattern and display a positive image to tie in mutual trust and respect between my team and myself to achieve the settings goals and objectives. Also a level of commitment is important to a team, it is also essential that there is good communication with in the team in regularise that it can be effective.The team is aware of their roles and responsibilities and are encouraged to communicate effectively, make decisions, manage change and be reflective in practice and engage in sustained s hared thinking within the setting. As a deputy manager my management style is slightly supreme where I make the decisions myself and I find I take on all the responsibly of hard to do everything myself, I only ask my colleagues to do a task for me when I find I don t have the time to do it, it has taken me a while to realize that this non good for me or my team and I have decided to change my approach and involve my team more in the decision making and delegate tasks so I hope this will tincture a sense of responsibility within the team.While authorship this report I did an exercise set out for based on Belbin team roles inventory where you lay down yourself and see what type of team worker you are, my highest impinge on was in team worker where it describes that a team worker is sociable, rather mild, sensitive, co-operative. My second highest score was shaping machine where it describes that a shaper can be extremely set up, thrives on pressure and challenging and my third was completer finisher where it describes that a completer finisher is orderly, conscientious and anxious. After doing this task I took time to reflect and I am all of the above and more, I do get anxious and can be highly strung and am rather sensitive, these are things I need to work on when I am starring(p) my team.I also found that to be an effective manager in an early years setting it requires a leadership style that is collaborative and to be supportive of colleagues. For this report I had to make an implement envision for myself to develop my own management skills and how I would action these I took in to account the Belbin task and I reflected on how I manage my team on a day to day basis and how I could work better with my own manager to improve my skills. (See Appendix A) I hope this will be a positive move and am hoping it will make the working environment a better place for all. Being a leader involves getting the best out of people and seeing what strengths that they make and supporting them in their development needs.Management and leadershipManagement is defined and built on shaping theories by well known Management Gurus such as Peter F.Drucker, and many other emerging or contemporary management writers. Management g uess is always researched, tested and after successful results, is implemented in organizations which is why, management is also called management science. Leadership carries a separate identity that works beyond the message of management, whereas management carries leadership qualities.Leadership is somewhat authoritative having chase to its side, whereas management maintains subordinates who listen to management by virtue of being holding a higher position either in job or in some other capacity belonging to an organisation. theater directors think in soft skills whereas leaders are at time prove radical and even dictatorial, who believe firmly and ratify whether or not pre-emptive to be true. Managers possess all kind of potential abilities, skills, academic theories of management, work experience which shapes managers into a diplomatic, situation-oriented individuals to act jibe to the breeze of atmosphere in an organization and to that effect, manager takes swing to that si de.This does not mean that managers are very clever or uncomfortable individuals, whereas the position of manager is such that it requires certain to-be-dealt-with situations and this does not necessarily lower the image of a manager to act unethically as the matters are to be resolved in an apt manner. A manager takes a short-term decision whereas a leader takes a long-term decision. Well known quote Managers do things right, while leaders do the right things which gives a fact that managers are required to follow companys policy, while leaders form policies.Manager paves the way for creation of goodwill, loyalty, ethics, motivation, skill development, training for subordinates to learn, get trained and adhere to the company rules. Manager exercises almost every management tool to bring a situation to the order whereas leader has followers whether it is a hardship or an easy way, people easily get carried away by the intentions of a leader which whitethorn hold good or bad accordin g to the scenario, time and period. Many a times leaders too have to face contradictions, criticisms, ostracise results until the realities are proved and for checking veracity, essential part is time and investigation.Leader is always chosen among a few whereas a manager is selected among many and both the positions carry diversified activities. Leaders always expect to listen and obey whereas managers explain both the negative and positive impact to the people, and instruct to undertake the necessary misuse for producing positive results to the benefit of organization. Manager neer acts on personal interest, whereas a leader has no limitations either in personal conduct or in view of others, a complete elaborated discussion is made about the total issue, and check-out procedure committed to the demands that are to be met with.Manager keeps an account of every step of system of working which means, every move in an organization is known to a manager in an organization. This p rovides another fact that a manager knows how to handle people, organization behavior, culture and systems of working areas.If both the positions of manager or leader are compared at a greater length, manager always practice certain limitations and whitethorn not possess adequate courage to take initiative step in decision making whereas once a leader identifies a situation, with the motive of solving a situation, takes a bold step and brings the entire organisation to order in spite of knowing the fact that organization does not permit to act beyond certain limitations and in such occasions, the role of a leader is identified who acts with wisdom and knowledge.Manager may not fit to be a leader, whereas a leader can always fit into the role of manager with the fact that, leader in the disguise of manager can get on and manage people in an efficient manner and it is here important for the organization to check whether a leader is producing positive results or negative results. This is because, managers are judge to produce positive results only whereas leaders may or may not prove to fit in every organization and this has to be substantiate. create or gaining faith among people is one of the important aspect either for management or for leadership.A manager is always transactional whereas a leader is transformational. Manager works for attractive pay package whereas for a leader monetary benefit is only a means to a make living. Managers, when subordinates act in a dominant manner to much disliking, may find some unethical way to terminate subordinates from organization by eavesdropping or by dispersal rumors or any other kind of savage elements of management.A good manager is very difficult to find when most of the companies are looking for good managers. Managers in all sectors take things for granted and neer bother to care for people until some kind of benefit in return is made. Managers are very calculative although the position of a manager is pre ferably appealing and rewarding to an organization, organizations commit mistakes by being unfair to good managers which must be reinstated here that good managers can never be replaced and experience good mangers who hold a considerable tenure in an organization may prove estimable to organizations.For any reason, manager or a leader, it is good to continuously keep progress in all aspects of an organization, i.e. relationship with subordinates and senior management, organizational clients, customers in order to keep a transparency of all the matters that come to the desk of manager or leader, as transparency removes all disputes, conflicts and solves many hurdles in an organization.Learning to judge NO is one of best principles in an organization, with the fact that every individual carries certain limited strength beyond which one cannot act and if a manager or leader learns to say YES for every issue, the work cannot be delegated to others and in this manner, completion of t asks or projects are completed in a slow process. perpetration of authority, responsibility, trust in other peoples work, a belief in the work of efficient employees, are some of the essential elements for organizational ontogeny to expand in terms of work and organizational culture. Providing adequate training, motivation, performance evaluation, rewards, incentives are some of the best techniques to retain employees which are very understood by a good manager.Conclusion Dale Carnegie in How to make friends and influence people quotes when you have a lemon, make a lemonade which states that understand that one can never change the world and it is good to change oneself according to the environment or atmosphere one is put up with. If a manager runs a hare race, tortoise wins like a leader and this must be remembered always in every principle that acting in an apt manner is essential irrespective of the situation one is in while adhering to all the principalities of an organizatio n.Conclusively, management and leadership can never be contradicted with and must go interdependently applying the qualities of manager or leader wherever required and this must be verified with. ReferencesThe difference between management and leadershipLeadership vs managementAccessed 31 October, 2007http// and LeadershipFor this report I will describe how Effective Communication is key within management. Effective communication between a manager and team is important as a managers job is 90% communication. Effective communication is really important within a team as it plays a part in the everyday running of a setting effective communication helps to establish clear expectations for employees and with parents.Effective communication also gives staff members clear expectations which will convey how their performance will impact the setting, for example when a manager is briefing a team they need to be pre pared, be clear, they should keep it simple and be vivid and natural. Effective communication helps managers build strong relationships within the team and parents. Effective organizational communication skills will help with team work and the ability for the employees at all levels to work together to achieve goals within the setting and also to help to achieve company goals, Effective communication is essential to the success of any organization.There are various skills needed for good management, some skills are learned others are instilled as part of thats persons nature employees respond more enthusiastically to a leader they feel confident in. On a more basic level an effective manager in an early years setting needs to ensure good lines of communication are open between themselves and the members of their team, is capable of creating an atmosphere that is comfortable, i. e. a family atmosphere builds trust in the team, maintains confidentiality, represent the views of the te am, find out what motivates the team and be supportive. An effective manager in an early years setting also needs to be approachable, involve staff so they can arrive at joint decisions in the welfare of the children in their care, delegate tasks to staff and allow them to decide how to achieve them which in turn will give the team members a feeling of empowerment, enabling them to set their own objectives and achieve them.Teamwork within any setting is paramount within in my own setting I find that communication is key , myself and the manager will meet and discuss the team on a daily basis as each member of staff are at different development stages within the setting. As a deputy manager my ability to manage the team to achieve organisational goals and objectives is analysed by being reflective as a manager as well as being supportive of the individuals, I consider myself to be a positive role model in encouraging the individuals of my team to continue their professional evelopmen t in a bid to keep them motivated and keep their knowledge up to date. As I myself continually embark on further education this in turn gives my team the incentive to do so themselves. Everyone in my setting is undertaking some form of professional development for example level 2s are training towards level 3 and level 3s towards a degree. As stated by June Sullivan (2003) it is important for a manger to develop a trusting relationship with all members of the team.Successful teams will thrive on mutual trust, so it is vital to establish this early on by delegation, open conduct and communication and a free exchange of ideas page 11 Developing individuals as well as the team is an important fact to consider as the setting achieves effectiveness with the individuals that are part of a team where the setting is aware of the individuals different learning styles and personalities.The team is empowered to effectively manage quality in our setting to meet the childrens and their family ne eds which is ultimately the settings goals and objectives. This is done through giving the team responsibility for certain aspects of the day to day running of the setting for example each member of the team has a specific area within the setting which they own and develop and each team member is a key person for a number of individual children which gives them the opportunity to develop relationships with children and their families children to meet their needs.Teamwork is also essential within in the setting as we have children that have different level of needs these needs range from speech and language, dietary requirements and we also meet with external agencies to help families that need extra support. Finding out what motivates the team is a useful tool to acquire a manger needs to beware of what makes individual staff members tick.The opportunities for on-going training of themselves and staff is also a motivator if the team members see the manager embarking on professional development this in turn will encourage and enthuse the individuals to embark on future professional development for themselves. A good manager and leader willin still their own values within the team and introduce newcomers to these values, however a manager should be open to new and innovated ideas that a new team member could bring into the setting.Everyone should be encouraged to participate in contributing their ideas, values and opinions within staff meetings and informal discussions to ensure the element of management power is removed, which in turn will make parents feel comfortable about their childrens welfare as good lines of communication will open from all angles.The difference between a leader and a manager is defined in the following text managers do things right whilst leaders do the right thing there is a fine line between the kind of approach that is necessary in an early years environment and in my opinion, leadership is the approach we need to adopt as managers i n an early years setting as managers require the co-operation of their team members.Leadership involves getting the best out of people and remembering everyone has something to offer, strong leaders should be in a position of inspiring people, building confidence and supporting colleagues to achieve their full potential. Managers should also be aware thats individuals have different learning styles cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner (1985) identified seven styles of learning which apply to adults as well as children, the main ways in which we learn as individuals are visually, kinesthetically and through auditory means.Leadership in an a early years setting requires the manager to have personal qualities such as being kind, warm and friendly, patient, sympathetic and nurturing, knowledgeable, logical and assertive and be prepared to become a mentor who guides the staff. There is clear evidence of the relationship between how staff are managed and how they perform, the deeper the commitment of the staff to their organisations, the better their performance will be, it is essential that a manger leads by example. The manager must be able to build and lead the team and cope with the day to day management issues.The manager must also act as the public face of the nursery (Jameson and Watson, 1988) Team development requires both strong leadership from the manager and commitment from team members a good team is made up from individuals who are valued, managers need to analyse how they can involve their teams in the process and look and find ways to motivate them, as a manger you need to be open to ideas but should also look at the strengths and weakness off individual team members and what works best for them as each member has different strengths and weakness and as a manger you should work on this with them and get the team involved in helping each other develop by offering support and guidance as it helps to build effective teams.Also a good relationship with y our team will ensure that they form good relationships with the children and their parents and are enthusiastic about new challenges, have confidence to make improvements to the practice when needed. The team is developed with in house training, staff meetings, appraisals to name a few examples, however in my opinion emotional intelligence and communication is key to achieving these goals, by focussing on the needs of the team and giving direction which supports and challenges, we will be developing a culture of openness, mutual respect and honesty within the team working towards achieving the goals and objectives of the setting.Teams are encouraged in staff meetings to be reflective and build on their reflections, by being reflective they can observe how they could handle situations more effectively to promote even more effective practice and feel empowered as a team because they are making their own decisions alongside each other as well as individually. Developing teams is key to achieving tasks in the workplace and an essential skill for a manager to possess as a manager I endeavour to ensure I have a clear purpose and display a positive image to engage in mutual trust and respect between my team and myself to achieve the settings goals and objectives. Also a level of commitment is important to a team, it is also essential that there is good communication with in the team in order that it can be effective.The team is aware of their roles and responsibilities and are encouraged to communicate effectively, make decisions, manage change and be reflective in practice and engage in sustained shared thinking within the setting. As a deputy manager my management style is slightly autocratic where I make the decisions myself and I find I take on all the responsibly of trying to do everything myself, I only ask my colleagues to do a task for me when I find I dont have the time to do it, it has taken me a while to realize that this not good for me or my team and I have decided to change my approach and involve my team more in the decision making and delegating tasks so I hope this will instil a sense of responsibility within the team.While writing this report I did an exercise set out for based on Belbin team roles inventory where you score yourself and see what type of team worker you are, my highest score was in team worker where it describes that a team worker is sociable, rather mild, sensitive, co-operative. My second highest score was shaper where it describes that a shaper can be highly strung, thrives on pressure and challenging and my third was completer finisher where it describes that a completer finisher is orderly, conscientious and anxious. After doing this task I took time to reflect and I am all of the above and more, I do get anxious and can be highly strung and am rather sensitive, these are things I need to work on when I am leading my team.I also found that to be an effective manager in an early years setting it requires a leadership style that is collaborative and to be supportive of colleagues. For this report I had to make an action plan for myself to develop my own management skills and how I would action these I took in to account the Belbin task and I reflected on how I manage my team on a day to day basis and how I could work better with my own manager to improve my skills. (See Appendix A) I hope this will be a positive move and am hoping it will make the working environment a better place for all. Being a leader involves getting the best out of people and seeing what strengths that they possess and supporting them in their development needs.Management and LeadershipManagement is defined and built on constructive theories by well known Management Gurus such as Peter F.Drucker, and many other emerging or contemporary management writers. Management theory is always researched, tested and after successful results, is implemented in organizations which is why, management is also called management science. Leadership carries a separate identity that works beyond the capacity of management, whereas management carries leadership qualities.Leadership is somewhat authoritative having followers to its side, whereas management maintains subordinates who listen to management by virtue of being holding a higher position either in job or in some other capacity belonging to an organisation. Managers think in soft skills whereas leaders are at time prove radical and even dictatorial, who believe firmly and ratify whether or not pre-emptive to be true. Managers possess all kind of potential abilities, skills, academic theories of management, work experience which shapes managers into a diplomatic, situation-oriented individuals to act according to the breeze of atmosphere in an organization and to that effect, manager takes swing to that side.This does not mean that managers are very clever or uncomfortable individuals, whereas the position of manager is such that it requires certain to -be-dealt-with situations and this does not necessarily lower the image of a manager to act unethically as the matters are to be resolved in an apt manner. A manager takes a short-term decision whereas a leader takes a long-term decision. Well known quote Managers do things right, while leaders do the right things which gives a fact that managers are required to follow companys policy, while leaders form policies.Manager paves the way for creation of goodwill, loyalty, ethics, motivation, skill development, training for subordinates to learn, get trained and adhere to the company rules. Manager exercises almost every management tool to bring a situation to the order whereas leader has followers whether it is a hardship or an easy way, people easily get carried away by the intentions of a leader which may hold good or bad according to the scenario, time and period. Many a times leaders too have to face contradictions, criticisms, negative results until the realities are proved and fo r checking veracity, essential ingredient is time and investigation.Leader is always chosen among a few whereas a manager is selected among many and both the positions carry diversified activities. Leaders always expect to listen and obey whereas managers explain both the negative and positive impact to the people, and instruct to undertake the necessary step for producing positive results to the benefit of organization. Manager never acts on personal interest, whereas a leader has no limitations either in personal conduct or in view of others, a complete detailed discussion is made about the total issue, and stay committed to the demands that are to be met with.Manager keeps an account of every step of system of working which means, every move in an organization is known to a manager in an organization. This provides another fact that a manager knows how to handle people, organization behavior, culture and systems of working areas.If both the positions of manager or leader are comp ared at a greater length, manager always practice certain limitations and may not possess adequate courage to take initiative step in decision making whereas once a leader identifies a situation, with the motive of solving a situation, takes a bold step and brings the entire organisation to order in spite of knowing the fact that organization does not permit to act beyond certain limitations and in such occasions, the role of a leader is identified who acts with wisdom and knowledge.Manager may not fit to be a leader, whereas a leader can always fit into the role of manager with the fact that, leader in the disguise of manager can get on and manage people in an efficient manner and it is here important for the organization to check whether a leader is producing positive results or negative results. This is because, managers are expected to produce positive results only whereas leaders may or may not prove to fit in every organization and this has to be verified. Building or gaining faith among people is one of the important aspect either for management or for leadership.A manager is always transactional whereas a leader is transformational. Manager works for attractive pay package whereas for a leader monetary benefit is only a means to a make living. Managers, when subordinates act in a dominant manner to much disliking, may find some unethical way to terminate subordinates from organization by eavesdropping or by spreading rumors or any other kind of uncivilized elements of management.A good manager is very difficult to find when most of the companies are looking for good managers. Managers in all sectors take things for granted and never bother to care for people until some kind of benefit in return is made. Managers are very calculative although the position of a manager is quite appealing and rewarding to an organization, organizations commit mistakes by being unfair to good managers which must be reinstated here that good managers can never be replaced a nd experienced good mangers who hold a considerable tenure in an organization may prove beneficial to organizations.For any reason, manager or a leader, it is good to continuously keep progress in all aspects of an organization, i.e. relationship with subordinates and senior management, organizational clients, customers in order to keep a transparency of all the matters that come to the desk of manager or leader, as transparency removes all disputes, conflicts and solves many hurdles in an organization.Learning to say NO is one of best principles in an organization, with the fact that every individual carries certain limited strength beyond which one cannot act and if a manager or leader learns to say YES for every issue, the work cannot be delegated to others and in this manner, completion of tasks or projects are completed in a slow process. Delegation of authority, responsibility, trust in other peoples work, a belief in the work of efficient employees, are some of the essential elements for organizational growth to expand in terms of work and organizational culture. Providing adequate training, motivation, performance evaluation, rewards, incentives are some of the best techniques to retain employees which are very understood by a good manager.Conclusion Dale Carnegie in How to make friends and influence people quotes when you have a lemon, make a lemonade which states that understand that one can never change the world and it is good to change oneself according to the environment or atmosphere one is put up with. If a manager runs a hare race, tortoise wins like a leader and this must be remembered always in every principle that acting in an apt manner is essential irrespective of the situation one is in while adhering to all the principalities of an organization.Conclusively, management and leadership can never be contradicted with and must go interdependently applying the qualities of manager or leader wherever required and this must be verified with. R eferencesThe difference between management and leadershipLeadership vs managementAccessed 31 October, 2007http// and LeadershipFor this report I will describe how Effective Communication is key within management. Effective communication between a manager and team is important as a managers job is 90% communication. Effective communication is really important within a team as it plays a part in the everyday running of a setting effective communication helps to establish clear expectations for employees and with parents.Effective communication also gives staff members clear expectations which will convey how their performance will impact the setting, for example when a manager is briefing a team they need to be prepared, be clear, they should keep it simple and be vivid and natural. Effective communication helps managers build strong relationships within the team and parents. Effective organizational communi cation skills will help with team work and the ability for the employees at all levels to work together to achieve goals within the setting and also to help to achieve company goals, Effective communication is essential to the success of any organization.There are various skills needed for good management, some skills are learned others are instilled as part of thats persons nature employees respond more enthusiastically to a leader they feel confident in. On a more basic level an effective manager in an early years setting needs to ensure good lines of communication are open between themselves and the members of their team, is capable of creating an atmosphere that is comfortable, i. e. a family atmosphere builds trust in the team, maintains confidentiality, represent the views of the team, find out what motivates the team and be supportive. An effective manager in an early years setting also needs to be approachable, involve staff so they can arrive at joint decisions in the welfa re of the children in their care, delegate tasks to staff and allow them to decide how to achieve them which in turn will give the team members a feeling of empowerment, enabling them to set their own objectives and achieve them.Teamwork within any setting is paramount within in my own setting I find that communication is key , myself and the manager will meet and discuss the team on a daily basis as each member of staff are at different development stages within the setting. As a deputy manager my ability to manage the team to achieve organisational goals and objectives is analysed by being reflective as a manager as well as being supportive of the individuals, I consider myself to be a positive role model in encouraging the individuals of my team to continue their professional evelopment in a bid to keep them motivated and keep their knowledge up to date. As I myself continually embark on further education this in turn gives my team the incentive to do so themselves. Everyone in m y setting is undertaking some form of professional development for example level 2s are training towards level 3 and level 3s towards a degree. As stated by June Sullivan (2003) it is important for a manger to develop a trusting relationship with all members of the team.Successful teams will thrive on mutual trust, so it is vital to establish this early on by delegation, open conduct and communication and a free exchange of ideas page 11 Developing individuals as well as the team is an important fact to consider as the setting achieves effectiveness with the individuals that are part of a team where the setting is aware of the individuals different learning styles and personalities.The team is empowered to effectively manage quality in our setting to meet the childrens and their family needs which is ultimately the settings goals and objectives. This is done through giving the team responsibility for certain aspects of the day to day running of the setting for example each member of the team has a specific area within the setting which they own and develop and each team member is a key person for a number of individual children which gives them the opportunity to develop relationships with children and their families children to meet their needs.Teamwork is also essential within in the setting as we have children that have different level of needs these needs range from speech and language, dietary requirements and we also meet with external agencies to help families that need extra support. Finding out what motivates the team is a useful tool to acquire a manger needs to beware of what makes individual staff members tick.The opportunities for on-going training of themselves and staff is also a motivator if the team members see the manager embarking on professional development this in turn will encourage and enthuse the individuals to embark on future professional development for themselves. A good manager and leader willin still their own values within the te am and introduce newcomers to these values, however a manager should be open to new and innovated ideas that a new team member could bring into the setting.Everyone should be encouraged to participate in contributing their ideas, values and opinions within staff meetings and informal discussions to ensure the element of management power is removed, which in turn will make parents feel comfortable about their childrens welfare as good lines of communication will open from all angles.The difference between a leader and a manager is defined in the following text managers do things right whilst leaders do the right thing there is a fine line between the kind of approach that is necessary in an early years environment and in my opinion, leadership is the approach we need to adopt as managers in an early years setting as managers require the co-operation of their team members.Leadership involves getting the best out of people and remembering everyone has something to offer, strong leaders should be in a position of inspiring people, building confidence and supporting colleagues to achieve their full potential. Managers should also be aware thats individuals have different learning styles cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner (1985) identified seven styles of learning which apply to adults as well as children, the main ways in which we learn as individuals are visually, kinesthetically and through auditory means.Leadership in an a early years setting requires the manager to have personal qualities such as being kind, warm and friendly, patient, sympathetic and nurturing, knowledgeable, logical and assertive and be prepared to become a mentor who guides the staff. There is clear evidence of the relationship between how staff are managed and how they perform, the deeper the commitment of the staff to their organisations, the better their performance will be, it is essential that a manger leads by example. The manager must be able to build and lead the team and cope wit h the day to day management issues.The manager must also act as the public face of the nursery (Jameson and Watson, 1988) Team development requires both strong leadership from the manager and commitment from team members a good team is made up from individuals who are valued, managers need to analyse how they can involve their teams in the process and look and find ways to motivate them, as a manger you need to be open to ideas but should also look at the strengths and weakness off individual team members and what works best for them as each member has different strengths and weakness and as a manger you should work on this with them and get the team involved in helping each other develop by offering support and guidance as it helps to build effective teams.Also a good relationship with your team will ensure that they form good relationships with the children and their parents and are enthusiastic about new challenges, have confidence to make improvements to the practice when needed . The team is developed with in house training, staff meetings, appraisals to name a few examples, however in my opinion emotional intelligence and communication is key to achieving these goals, by focussing on the needs of the team and giving direction which supports and challenges, we will be developing a culture of openness, mutual respect and honesty within the team working towards achieving the goals and objectives of the setting.Teams are encouraged in staff meetings to be reflective and build on their reflections, by being reflective they can observe how they could handle situations more effectively to promote even more effective practice and feel empowered as a team because they are making their own decisions alongside each other as well as individually. Developing teams is key to achieving tasks in the workplace and an essential skill for a manager to possess as a manager I endeavour to ensure I have a clear purpose and display a positive image to engage in mutual trust and respect between my team and myself to achieve the settings goals and objectives. Also a level of commitment is important to a team, it is also essential that there is good communication with in the team in order that it can be effective.The team is aware of their roles and responsibilities and are encouraged to communicate effectively, make decisions, manage change and be reflective in practice and engage in sustained shared thinking within the setting. As a deputy manager my management style is slightly autocratic where I make the decisions myself and I find I take on all the responsibly of trying to do everything myself, I only ask my colleagues to do a task for me when I find I dont have the time to do it, it has taken me a while to realize that this not good for me or my team and I have decided to change my approach and involve my team more in the decision making and delegating tasks so I hope this will instil a sense of responsibility within the team.While writing this report I did an exercise set out for based on Belbin team roles inventory where you score yourself and see what type of team worker you are, my highest score was in team worker where it describes that a team worker is sociable, rather mild, sensitive, co-operative. My second highest score was shaper where it describes that a shaper can be highly strung, thrives on pressure and challenging and my third was completer finisher where it describes that a completer finisher is orderly, conscientious and anxious. After doing this task I took time to reflect and I am all of the above and more, I do get anxious and can be highly strung and am rather sensitive, these are things I need to work on when I am leading my team.I also found that to be an effective manager in an early years setting it requires a leadership style that is collaborative and to be supportive of colleagues. For this report I had to make an action plan for myself to develop my own management skills and how I would action these I took in to account the Belbin task and I reflected on how I manage my team on a day to day basis and how I could work better with my own manager to improve my skills. (See Appendix A) I hope this will be a positive move and am hoping it will make the working environment a better place for all. Being a leader involves getting the best out of people and seeing what strengths that they possess and supporting them in their development needs.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham capital of Nebraska was considered by universey historians as the Greatest Ameri pot President. He was the sixteenth United States president, guided his country to the close to devastating experience in its national history-the Civil War. Still, it can be said that President capital of Nebraska went through several challenges even from his early age. Truly, we can learn many things from his lifes experiences and especially in his ideology, things that made him really worthy of being called the Greatest American President.In army to pry and really learn from the life of Abraham Lincoln, let us look closely to the life of Abraham Lincoln, his difficulties and struggles and especially his achievements. February 12, 1809 on a Sunday morning, Nancy Lincoln, Thomas Lincolns wife had given birth to a baby boy named after his grandfather Abraham in a log cabin Hardin bed of poles on the uprise of Nolin Creek near Hodgenville, Kentucky. This area is now part of Larue country, the area in which now is being considered the frontier. Bought of his parents are never had an education. His father Thomas worked as a farmer and a carpenter.Nancy Lincoln, his beat could not even write. Definitely, Abraham grew up literally without having or experiencing a formal education until his early age. Amazingly, during the year 1815, Abraham Lincoln at a very young age had already learned his ABCs through his effort and trough the help of his teacher named Zachariah Riney. He has washed-out his spare time on a log school house. He attended classes with Sarah his sisters two years older than him. They sometimes attended school taught by their neighbor Caleb Hasel. At the age of seven their family moved to southern Indiana where he continues school after their migration to Kentucky.Abraham attends his school punctually, he always wears with him his raccoon cap, he only had his buckskin clothes and his pant that was wrecked as a marked of its age that by the time became too s hort for him that his calves were already exposed. At plaza Abraham heard verses and scriptures read from the family bible. The family of Abraham was all members of Baptist congregation and worshippers unless due to the opposition to the slavery they had become separated in the congregation to another church. He was formerly saved from being drowned by his friend and Austin Gollaher.His family decided to stay near Gentryville in the Southern Indiana late in the year 1816. Nancy, his mother had died on the 5th day of October due to a disease contracted by drinking poisonous take out from cows cognise as milk sicknesses. And because of poverty Abraham may recall by then carving pegs to be able to provide his mother a coffin. He drags the coffin which was made by a green pine. They buried her without having a formal funeral service. At later year his father married a widow Sarah Bush Johston, she stand as a good mother to them and Abraham loves her as his real mother.She in any c ase encourages Abraham to education. On the following year-1821, Abraham because of his eagerness to gain knowledge, learn and be thought with by man things began to borrow books from their fellow citizen. With all of those available books he begins reading it all keenly. He read books such as Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe as hale as books of fables or the Aesops Fables. It was 1882 when he counterbalance attended James Swaneys classes and this last about four months. Although his school attended taught by Azel Dorsey ended quickly, he never stops learning and learning, he made his self-education rewardingly.He read everything he could he never stops reading and learning variety of subjects including mathematics, lit and law. Additionally, during his spare time he studied Law and become a successful Lawyer in the year 1836. On 1825 Abraham has been able to owned his individual(prenominal) book written by Parson Mason Weems Life of Washington which he worked and stipendiary for the worth from Josiah Crawford, his neighbor when the book become soaked with rain. Abrahams wife Mary Ann Todd was born on declination 13, 1818. Abraham on 1831 decided to depart with his family and leave by his own.He began to formulate his own opinions as he apothegm some abuse happening during his second time around flatboat trip to New Orleans. He then moved to Illinois and start on acquiring closer with Ann the daughter of the house he boarded. Aside from operating a store he also works into several jobs such as examine and serving as a post master magic spell staying at Illinois. The citizenry were all get impressed by his good character she actually gained the nick name Honest Abe. Mary Ann and Abraham had four sons but Robert Lincoln was the only one who survived into adulthood.Abraham believes that the government should be a force of good kit and caboodle and positive purpose whose desires are to serve the people. That is why he believes that he must have a high po sition to the government in order for him to be a more influential leader so that he can able to achieve his goal. And because of the eagerness he has in his oculus his stiff aspiration makes him entered politics. And to become the president of the United States becomes his burning desire. It was August 1, year 1831 when Abraham cast his first ballot. In 1832, at the age of 23 he unsuccessfully ran for Illinois Legislature.After two years he became elected for the lower house 1834, 1836, 1838 until 1841 and won all 4 times for the first of four consecutive terms. He ran ogdoad in the field of 13 candidates for the position. Lincoln being the member of a Whig party had become able to give his support to the Illinois State Bank, the second imprecate of the United States. It was 1856 when he was still a Whig member and soon became a republican. The government has sponsored internal improvements such as roads, canals, railroads, harbors, protective tariffs and other navigational imp rovements.His first flat forms announced that, time and experience verified that the poorest and the most thinly populated countries would be greatly benefited by supporting this improvement on the Sangamon River because he believed that it will allow those poor areas near the river to flourish by attracting steamboat traffic. Lincoln is not like most politicians in his time, he considered everyone to be equal. He recognize the presence of everyone in the community, he even considered farmers as no more or less than anyone else. He had sympathy to labor evidence that he did not forget his past and that humility is still in his personality.As early as 1837, Lincoln stated his opposition to slavery stating that it was the opposite of opportunity and as well as mobility. Lincoln ran and the United States House of Representative and has won it in 1846. He became popular for opposing slavery and Washingtons Mexican War. He returned home and practiced hi Law and tried to have more focuse d on it more than before. Unfortunately, the next following years for him were the year of struggles. scarcely because of his determination and eagerness to pursue things he begin he never let all of this down failed and discouraged him in reaching his dreams.Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 renewed his interest in politics. Though he became unsuccessful in his ran for the bid for the U. S. Senate in 1855, in the year 1856 nomination for the Republican vice-president he by then received some support. In the same year he also have his speech of opposing the Dred Scott decision in the year 1857 known as the Lost Speech. He had also given his legendary speech, the House Divided June 16, 1858. Furthermore, Lincoln had also engaged in series of debates also on the year 1858 with Stephen A. Douglas who won the Senatorial race.He was definitely not an abolitionist but just in opposition to the increase of slavery into the country. In 1860, he has received national recognition and promotes his national reputation in New York at the Cooper with a successful speech. His perseverance and hard work paid of when he finally became the sixteenth president of the United States. However, during this time the due to the south is dependent on slavery in order to prosper and because of this conflicts bob up between the north and south and the south decided to form their own union.Being the newly elected president of a United States, Abraham Lincoln prioritized saving the genuine union even if this means the start of the civil war. The civil war arises in 1861 and on the 19th of November 1863, Lincoln delivered a speech on a battle field that is near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The said speech is said to have shaped the United States destiny and is known as the Gettysburg Address. The speech contains Lincolns vision of a nation that is conceived by liberty and equality among its citizens.In his Inaugural Address, he warned the South saying, In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countr ymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war, the government will not assail you. (Bush, 2007). Lincoln added, You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and depend it (Bush, 2007). Even without that much experience, the succeeding years of civil war had proved that Lincoln is one the most extraordinary leaders that the United States had ever seen.Lincoln had shown good leadership ability, morally and also politically. He saw that the war is a constrict against secession and not against slavery and on September 1862, he announced the Emancipation Proclamation that interprets the war as a form of crusade against slavery. In 1865, slavery was legally ended through the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. It is also in the Gettysburg Address that the famous idea of Lincoln of government of the people. by the people, for the people had been made known and he define the civil war as a strugg le against such idea of the government.Civil War were lasted for about four wide years and this years of struggles were ended in 1865 and cause the death of American people of more than half a million lives. Still, the presidents lot and dream of a nation was realized, a nation that is united where people are free from slavery. President Lincoln, together with his wife went to Washington, DC in the crosswalk Theater to celebrate the end of the civil war. However, the victory of the president in uniting the nation does not pleased everyone and one of them is John Wilkes Booth, an actor of the ladder in Ford Theater. Booth shot President Lincoln that cause the presidents death.Up to now, the memory of President Lincoln still lives in the heart and memories of his fellow countrymen, guiding every American and the whole world to create a good nation and a better world where everyone is equal heedless of our distinction. President Abraham Lincoln is truly one of a kind and deserves our respect and the honor given to him, even greater. Not only his views and principles are admirable but also how he achieved his dreams and everything the he went through makes him even more worthy of our respect. References A&E Television Networks. (2007). Abraham Lincoln Biography (1809-65). RetrievedDecember 02, 2007 from http//www. biography. com/search/article. do? id=9382540. Bush, J. W. (No Date). Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http//www. whitehouse. gov/history/presidents/al16. html Cyber Nation. (2004). The Compelling Story of Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http//www. cybernation. com/lincoln_bio. html Norton, R. ,J. (2007). An Overview of Abraham Lincolns Life. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http//home. att. net/rjnorton/Lincoln77. html Norton, R. , J. (2007). A Brief Biography of Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved December 02, 2007 from http//members. aol. com/RVSNorton/Lincoln23. html
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
English Writing Assessment
The deep freeze left ways and pavements covered in ice, making driving and conditions for pedestrians extremely dangerous. Salt supplies argon stretched, season thousands of schools are shut and air and rail travel are again affected y delays. In Hartley, Essex and Leeds, officials bring on decided to only good sense key routes, leaving many roads untreated. Motorway hard shoulders are no longer being gritted, with the government proportioning salt for the worst- affected regions. There have even been reports of some local councils removing grit bins in certain areas in an attempt to reduce salt usage.Milk deliveries have also been disrupted, with tankers attempt to reach dairy farms. Some farmers have had to dump supplies as few have large storage facilities while, in Scotland, several barn roofs have collapsed under the weight of bamboozle. In Bristol Harbor, the temperature was low enough that the sea began to freeze over. Conditions have been so poor in places that some vil lages have been cut off, including Princeton in Dartmouth. Up to 4,000 homes were without water later on a main burst outside the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.Thousands of schools remain unappealing, with exam candidates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland warned they could have to wait five months to pose GEESE and A-level modules if weather prevents them taking them next week. Overnight, temperatures in Manchester fell to -ICC, with Glasgow reaching ICC, Cardiff -ICC and London hovering just below zero. The lowest temperature recorded this week was in the Scottish Highlands, -22. ICC while Englands low was -ICC in Woodward, Cheshire. Temperatures are expected to stay around freezing throughout the weekend and forecasters say winds could make it feel even colder.Page 2 of 4 Document 2 Extract from online forums Suffolk County Council Website Discussion Forum Mike D am furious about the school closures in my area. Wave had 3-4 inches of snow and still local schools on ly a mile apart have made different decisions about whether to open or close. The Government should carry out an urgent review of school closure policies. It is absolutely outrageous that teachers are still being paid when they are failing to do their job. Anonymous am a Secondary School Teacher in a school of 1,300 pupils.Unfortunately, when the weather is like it is now, school closures are a necessity. It isnt simply a matter of whether the educational activity staff can get to the school or non (though that is a pointor), but also how safe it is for them when they get there. Obviously, the same applies for the pupils too, many of whom do not attend he school nearest to them and would be traveling early morning when the roads are at their most dangerous. Not to mention the feature that were at the mercy of the bus services on top of all this.In fact, only the other day I saw a bus struggling to get up a hill because the road hadnt been gritted. The fact is that its much mor e sensible to close the school altogether than to risk teaching a small number of pupils in potentially unsafe conditions. Sarah P My children were at home for two days in the week as their school was closed because of the snow. We had a fantastic time making a snowman, sledging ND having a snowball fight in the park. We dont see weather like this very often cant we let the kids enjoy it a little bit?My husband has had no real problems getting to work, and Ive been walking to the local shops to get our food shopping. Apart from the fact that Ive been forced to take annual leave to look after the children, is this weather really all that bad? Michelle M A lot of people search to be complaining about school closures and teachers not being in work. Lets be honest the vast majority of you would happily take a snow day if it was offered to you. I know I would Having said that, the dads around my way havent been gritted and Ive already seen one accident where a driver lost control and sk idded into a set car.My kids school has been closed for a few days now and my youngest has missed some Of his exams, which hes been working really hard for, but to be perfectly honest, the check over has done him good. Page 3 of 4 Education Development International ply 201 0 TASK 1 You live on a road that is a main bus route to the local secondary school. During the cold weather, your road did not get gritted. Write a letter to the council persuading them that your road of necessity to be made a priority road for rioting.
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